Himal DB

A comprehensive digital archive of Himalayan mountaineering history and statistics

Explore the Data

Peak Information

Detailed data on all major Himalayan peaks, including height, location, and climbing history.

Member Records

Profiles of climbers with their expedition history, summits, and achievements.

Route Comparison

Compare different routes on the same peak for success rates and difficulty.

About HimalDB

Welcome to HimalDB, your definitive source for Himalayan mountaineering data. Our platform provides an accessible, interactive interface to explore the rich history of expeditions in the world's highest mountain range.

From the first successful summit of Everest in 1953 to modern-day climbing achievements, we've consolidated decades of expedition records into informative visualizations and searchable databases.

Our mission is to make the valuable information collected by the Himalayan Database more accessible to researchers, climbers, and enthusiasts through modern data visualization.

Explore statistics on successful summits, mortality rates, popular routes, expedition trends, and the notable achievements of climbers from around the world.